2024-2025 TYR WZA Miami Team Workouts

Race to the Top

Presented By

Winning Result


For Time – 1-10

Rope Climbs
BJO (All 3, alternating) (36, 30in)
Cleans (255, 175lb)

For Time – 1-10

Rope Climbs
BJO (All 3, alternating) (36, 30in)
Cleans (245, 165lb)

For Time – 1-10

Rope Climbs
BJO (All 3, alternating) (30, 24in)
Cleans (225, 155lb)

For Time – 1-10

Rope Climbs – 12ft
BJO (All 3, alternating) (24, 20in)
Cleans (185, 125lb)

For Time – 1-10

Rope Climbs
BJO (All 3, alternating) (30, 24in)
Cleans (225, 155lb)

For Time – 1-10

Rope Climbs – 12ft
BJO (All 3, alternating) (24, 20in)
Cleans (185, 125lb)


This is a for time workout with a 16 min cap.

Teams will have an ascending rep scheme starting with 1 rep and finishing with 10 reps. Teams will perform one rep climb, one box jump over each (1-1-1 = 1), and one clean at their prescribed weight. Then perform two rope climbs, two box jump overs each (2-2-2 = 2), and two cleans. Teams will continue in this fashion for the remaining rounds with their final round being ten reps of each movement.

The score is the time to complete the workout.

  • The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout
  • If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus total completed reps