Division Standards
The standards outlined below should be considered a guide specifically to compete at the TYR WZA Miami. These are considered to be “working weights” and movements that can be performed for multiple reps.
We reserve the right to make changes to skills and loads within reason.
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 135, 95lb
- Clean – 185, 125lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Strict Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Pistol
- Double-unders
- Elite – 1st to 20th
- Rx – 21st to 40th
- 41st and below: Eligible For Open Division via Open registration
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 95, 65lb
- Clean – 155, 105lb
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Jumping Pull-ups
- Hand Release Push-ups
- Wall Walks
- Single-unders
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 35 years of age but not older than 39 as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 135, 95lb
- Clean – 185, 125lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Strict Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Pistol
- Double-unders
Qualification: 1st to 10th
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 40 years of age but not older than 44 as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 135, 95lb
- Clean – 185, 125lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Pistol
- Double-unders
Qualification: 1st to 10th
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 45 years of age but not older than 49 as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 135, 95lb
- Clean – 185, 125lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Pistol
- Double-unders
Qualification: 1st to 10th
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 50 years of age but not older than 54 as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 115, 80lb
- Clean – 165, 115lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Bar Muscle-ups
- Handstand Push-ups
- Wall Walks
- Double-unders
Qualification: 1st to 5th
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 55 years of age but not older than 59 as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 95, 65lb
- Clean – 135, 95lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups
- Chest-to-Bar
- Wall Walks
- Double-unders
Qualification: 1st to 5th
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 60 years of age or older as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 75, 55lb
- Clean – 105, 75lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Pull-ups
- Wall Walks
- Double-unders
Qualification: 1st to 5th
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 13 years of age but not older than 15 as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 95, 65lb
- Clean – 135, 95lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Bar Muscle-ups
- Handstand Push-ups
- Wall Walks
- Double-unders
Qualification: 1st to 10th
Age Requirement: Athletes in this division must be 16 years of age but not older than 18 as of 1/1/2024.
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 115, 95lb
- Clean – 165, 115lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Double-unders
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Double Unders
- Rowing
Qualification: 1st to 10th
The Upper division will have sub-classifications when workout standards are released.
Sub Classifications will be:
Above Elbow Impairment ( One point of contact)
Below Elbow Impairment ( Two points of contact)
To be eligible to compete in the Upper Extremity Division, athletes must meet all the following criteria below.
Athletes must have a diagnosed, significant and permanent impairment that exists, or causes significant limitations in strength, Range of Motion, and Grip to the upper extremity (e.g. arm) including the shoulder joint; and the impairment must be one of permanent Injury.
Eligible impairments:
- Ataxia
- Athetosis
- Hypertonia
- Impaired Range of Movement
- Impaired Muscle Power
- Limb Deficiency
If you don’t have a classification yet, please email our team at [email protected].
Qualification: 1st to 5th
The Lower division will have sub-classifications when workout standards are released.
Sub Classifications will be:
Below Knee Impairment
Above Knee Impairment
To be eligible to compete in the Lower Extremity Division, athletes must meet all the following criteria below:
Athletes must have a diagnosed, significant and permanent impairment that exists, or causes limitations in strength, Range of motion, and balance to the lower extremity (e.g. leg) including the hip joint; and the impairment must be one of permanent Injury.
Eligible impairments:
- Ataxia
- Athetosis
- Hypertonia
- Impaired Range of Movement
- Impaired Muscle Power
- Limb Deficiency
- Leg Length Difference
If you don’t have a classification yet, please email our team at [email protected].
Qualification: 1st to 5th
The Neuromuscular division will have sub-classifications when workout standards are released.
Sub Classifications will be:
Major Neuromuscular
Minor Neuromuscular
To be eligible to compete in the Neuromuscular Division, athletes must meet all the following criteria. Athletes must have a diagnosed, significant and permanent impairment that causes functional limitations in movement, specifically in strength, balance, range of motion, and/or coordination through impaired muscular control, and the impairment must be one of Permanent Injury.
Eligible impairments:
- Ataxia
- Athetosis
- Hypertonia
- Impaired Passive Range of Movement
- Impaired Muscle Power
If you don’t have a classification yet, please email our team at [email protected].
Qualification: 1st to 5th
The seated division will have sub-classifications when workout standards are released.
Note: Athletes who Qualify will need a wheelchair to compete in Miami.
Athletes must have a diagnosed, significant, and permanent impairment that causes functional limitations and requires athletes to perform most Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) in a seated position.
The seated division sub-classifications will be Seated 1, Seated 2 & Seated Quad and will all compete in this Division:
Seated 1: Without hip function, athletes in the Seated 1 Without Hip Function Division will not be able to move or reposition their legs without manual assistance. The majority of these impairments will be permanent spinal cord injuries from T-12 to T-1
Seated 2: Athletes must have a diagnosed, significant, and permanent impairment that causes functional limitations and requires athletes to perform most Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) in a seated position.
Seated Quad: Athletes will have no functional movement of the trunk in the transverse plane (rotation). Athletes will have little to no functional movement in the sagittal (forward) or frontal (lateral) planes. When unbalanced, the athlete will need to utilize a counterbalance or extremities for support. Athletes will have no function to a significant lack of function of the hip. Athletes will also have impairments in the Hands and or Arms, affecting grip and pressing, pulling strength.
Eligible impairments:
- Ataxia
- Athetosis
- Hypertonia
- Impaired Passive Range of Movement
- Impaired Muscle Power
- Limb Deficiency
- Leg Length Difference
If you don’t have a classification yet, please email our team at [email protected].
Qualification: 1st to 5th
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 135, 95lb
- Clean – 185, 125lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Strict Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Pistol
- Double-unders
- Elite – 1st to 20th
- Rx – 21st to 60th
- Intermediate – 61st to 120th
- 121st & Below: Eligible for Open Division via Open Registration
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 95, 65lb
- Clean – 135, 95lb
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Jumping Pull-ups
- Hand Release Push-ups
- Wall Walks
Age Requirements: Athletes younger than 35 years old by 1/1/2024 are not permitted to create or join a Masters team. Additionally, the total sum of the team’s age by 1/1/2024 must be a minimum of 125 years.
For example, 35 years + 47 years + 45 = 127 years (eligible)
Barbell (Expected working weight)
- Snatch – 135, 95lb
- Clean – 185, 125lb
Gymnastics & Skills (Multiple reps)
- Chest-to-bar
- Ring & Bar Muscle-ups
- Handstand Push-up
- Handstand Walk
- Pistol
- Double-unders
- 1st to 10th
- 10th & Below: Eligible for Open Division via Open Registraion
Age Requirements: Athletes younger than 35 years old by 1/1/2024 are not permitted to create or join a Masters team. Additionally, the total sum of the team’s age by 1/1/2024 must be a minimum of 125 years.
For example, 35 years + 47 years + 45 = 127 years (eligible)
Barbell (Min. Working Weight)
- Snatch – 95, 75lb
- Clean – 135, 95lb
Gymnastics (Multiple reps)
- Jumping Pull-ups,
- Push-ups
- Wall Walks
- Air Squats
Monostructural (Multiple reps)
- Single Unders
- Rowing