2021-2022 WZA Miami Indy Workouts
Flipped Off

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time | 3-3-3-4 Min Rounds Of:
75 Heavy Dubs
25 Medball GHD’s
With remaining time, each round:
Flipsled Flips
~1min Rest b/w Rounds
Time-Cap: 16 Minutes
Additional Information
For this event the athlete will work for 3 minutes, then rest for 1 minute, for 3 total rounds, before finishing with a final 4 minute round.
The first 2 movements of each interval are considered a buy-in, with the athlete completing as much distance of the flipsled flips with the remaining interval time. The ultimate goal being to complete the entirety of the flipsled distance for time.
This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat, jump rope in hand. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will advance to perform 75 heavy double unders followed by 25 medball GHD situps, and then, with the remaining time, complete as much distance he or she can flip on the flipsled towards a total of 180 foot distance.
At the end of the 3 minute window, the athlete will reset to their double under station and rest for the 1 minute transition.
At the 4:00 mark, the athlete will then repeat the buy-in work. Once complete, they will begin where they left off and complete as much distance as he or she can advance on the flipsled until the end of the 3:00 window, resetting at the jump rope for 1:00 rest.
They will continue in this manner at the 8:00 mark, for another 3 minute round and 1:00 rest. At the 12:00 mark, they will work for one final 4 minute round.
If at any point following the interval buy-in, the athlete completes the full flipsled flips, the athlete will sprint to the finish line buzzer to complete the workout.
The athlete’s score is the total time it takes to complete the event. If capped, the athlete’s score is the total distance the sled was moved.
Double Unders
This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not just attempts.
Medball Ghd Sit Up
Each rep begins and ends with the athlete seated at the top of the GHD holding the medball with the ball touching the foot pads. The athlete must touch the ground or designated riser with the medball before returning to the seated position. The touch on the ground or riser must be overhead, within the legs of the GHD, not to the side. The rep is credited when the medball returns to the top and makes contact with the foot pads.
Ghd Sit Up
Each rep begins and ends with the athlete seated at the top of the GHD with hands touching the foot pads. The athlete must touch the ground or designated riser with both hands before returning to the seated position. The touch on the ground or riser must be overhead, within the legs of the GHD, not to the side. The rep is credited when both hands return to the top and touch the foot pads.
Flipsled Flips
procession of the sled must be completed by a full flip from the opposite end. The athlete may not push or drag the sleds to advance. The sled must stay in the athlete’s lane; if the sled bounces into or impedes the next lane the athlete will be directed to reset the sled before the next flip is attempted. THe entire body of the sled must be fully across the designated length to achieve credit for that section.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)
Echo On Fran

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
FOR TIME | 21-15-9
Thrusters (135, 95lb)
Cal Echo Bike
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
Additional Information
This workout is for time, with the athlete completing 21 thrusters, chest-to-bar pull-ups and 21 calories on the bike. Once complete, they will perform 15 and 9 sets of the same and sprint to the finish.
This workout begins with the athlete on their start mat. At the sound of the beep, they will sprint to their barbell to perform 21 thrusters. At the completion of 21 thrusters, they will move to the rig to do 21 chest to bar pullups, then to the Echo bike for 21 calories. After 21 calories are completed, they will return to the barbell and continue in this manner for their round of 15 thrusters, chest to bar pullups and calorie bike then 9 thrusters, chest to bar pullups and bike calories. At the completion of their final bike segment, the athlete will then sprint to the finish line and hit the buzzer.
Score is the total time to complete the workout.
This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead in one fluid movement. The bar starts on the ground and a full squat clean into the thruster is allowed when the bar is taken from the floor. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. The barbell MAY NOT be dropped from overhead or behind, if the barbell is dropped from overhead it will be a NO REP. The rep is credited when the barbell is locked out overhead, with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the athlete’s body. The weight must continue to move until lockout. Re-dipping during the press (i.e., performing a jerk) will result in a “no rep”.
Chest To Bar Pull-Up
This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar, below the collarbone.
The bike monitors will NOT be pre-set. The athletes may not touch the monitor. The monitor will be reset between rounds. Athletes must remain seated on the bike until they finish required calories.
Worm Thruster
Each rep begins with the worm on the same shoulder for all athletes. The synchro portion of this movement is at the bottom of the squat. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position for all athletes before rising. At the top, each athlete’s hips and knees must reach full extension as the worm is lifted over the athletes’ heads (no dipping under the worm). The rep is credited when the worm reaches the opposite shoulder for all athletes. The arms do not need to reach full extension as the worm is moved overhead.
Synchro Chest To Bar Pull-Up
Each rep begins at the bottom of the pull-up, all athlete’s arms must be fully extended. The synchro portion of this movement is at the top, where all athletes’ chests must clearly come into contact with the bar at the same time. If one athlete does not touch the chest to the bar, or if the athletes’ chests don’t touch at the same time, it is a no rep. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)
The Mia Bar Complex
Released: Friday, January 14, 2022

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 275lb, 295lb, 315lb
Female Load: 185lb, 195lb, 205lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 255lb, 275lb, 295lb
Female Load: 175lb, 185lb, 195lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 225lb, 245lb, 265lb
Female Load: 155lb, 165lb, 175lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 165lb, 185lb, 205lb
Female Load: 115lb, 125lb, 135lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 135lb, 155lb, 175lb
Female Load: 95lb, 105lb, 115lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 155lb, 175lb, 195lb
Female Load: 105lb, 115lb, 125lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 215lb, 235lb, 255lb
Female Load: 155lb, 165lb, 175lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 255lb, 275lb, 295lb
Female Load: 175lb, 185lb, 195lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 245lb, 265lb, 285lb
Female Load: 165lb, 175lb, 185lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 225lb, 245lb, 265lb
Female Load: 155lb, 165lb, 175lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 165lb, 185lb, 205lb
Female Load: 115lb, 125lb, 135lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 155lb, 175lb, 195lb
Female Load: 105lb, 115lb, 125lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 145lb, 165lb, 185lb
Female Load: 95lb, 105lb, 115lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
For Time:
3 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Hang Cleans
2 Front Squats
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Male Load: 135lb, 155lb, 175lb
Female Load: 95lb, 105lb, 115lb
Time-Cap: 5 Minutes
Additional Information
This workout is for time. Athletes will complete 3 hang cleans, 3 front squats and 3 shoulder to overhead, advancing to complete 2 reps of each movement, then 1 rep of each before sprinting to the finish.
This workout begins with the athlete in their lane under the rig. At the sound of the beep, they will advance to the first barbell and begin their round of 3 hang cleans, 3 front squats and 3 shoulder to overheads. At the completion of the 3rd shoulder to overhead, they will go over their barbell to the next loaded bar and complete 2 hang cleans, 2 front squats, and 2 shoulder to overheads. The athlete will then go over their barbell to the final loaded bar and perform 1 hang clean, 1 front squat and 1 shoulder to overhead, then go over their bar and sprint to the finish line to hit the buzzer.
Score is the total time to complete the workout.
Hang Clean
Each rep begins from the hang position, above the knee. Any repetition taken from the floor must reach a deadlift lockout (hips and knees fully extended, and head and shoulders behind the bar) before re-dipping to initiate the hang clean. The rep is credited when the athlete’s hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar is resting on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.
Front Squat
Each rep begins with the barbell racked on the front of the shoulders. At the top, the hips and knees must be fully extended. Any grip is permitted as long as the bar is in the front-rack position. At the bottom the hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knee. A full squat clean is permitted to start the movement if standard depth is achieved, but not required.The rep is credited when the athlete returns to full standing lockout after depth is achieved.
Shoulder To Overhead
Each rep begins in the front rack position, with the barbell on the shoulders. A shoulder press, push press, push jerk or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, hips and knees are fully extended. The rep is credited once the weight is fully locked out overhead, directly over the middle of the body with the feet in line. If an athlete uses a split jerk, their feet must return under the hips and meet the full lockout requirement. Dropping the barbell behind the body, even after receiving credit for the rep will result in an automatic no-rep.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)
The Bayside Chipper
Released: Friday, January 14, 2022

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (62lb, 44lb)
8/6 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (62lb, 44lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (62lb, 44lb)
8/6 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (62lb, 44lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (53, 35lb)
6/4 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (53, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (44, 26lb)
5/3 Rope Climbs (12ft)
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (44, 26lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (35, 18lb, Any style of step-over)
8/6 Lay to stand
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (35, 18lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (35, 18lb)
4/3 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (35, 18lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (53, 35lb)
6/4 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (53, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (53, 35lb)
8/6 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (53, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (53, 35lb)
6/4 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (53, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (44, 26lb)
6/4 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (44, 26lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (44, 26lb)
4/3 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (44, 26lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (35, 18lb)
4/3 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (35, 18lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (62lb, 44lb)
8/6 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (62lb, 44lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
For Time:
48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (26, 13lb, Any style of step-over)
3/2 Rope Climbs
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in)
48 KB Deadlifts (26, 13lb)
Time-Cap: 10 Minutes
Additional Information
This chipper-style workout is for time, with the athlete making their way through the box jump over and KB step-over stations to their rope climbs, where they will then work their way back through the floor. The athlete will perform burpee box jump overs and KB deadlifts on the return round, sprinting to the finish once the workout is complete.
This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will advance to the box where they will perform 48 box jump overs (Beginner and Masters 60-64, 65+ divisions are allowed any style of jump or step-over).
Once the box jump overs are complete, the athlete will pick up their kettlebells and perform 24 double KB front rack step-overs on the box.
Once the step-overs are complete, the athlete will advance to the rope where they will perform their prescribed amount of rope climbs (Beginner division will perform a lay to standing movement on the rope)
Once the rope climb work is complete, the athlete will make their way back to the box, where they will perform 24 burpee box jump overs, then advance to the kettlebells where they will finish the workout with 48 kettlebell deadlifts. Once the KB deadlifts are complete, the athlete will set the kettlebells down and sprint to the finish.
Score is total time to complete the workout.
Box Jump Over
Each rep begins with the athlete standing in front of the box.The athlete must jump on top of the box using a two-foot takeoff, and only the athlete’s feet may touch the box. There is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. The athlete may face forward or to the side. The athlete may jump down, step down to the other side, or jump completely over the box. If jumping over the box, the feet must go over the box, not around it. Each rep is counted when the athlete lands on the ground on the opposite side.
Within the beginner division, athletes have the option to step over. When stepping up and over, both feet must make contact with the top of the box. There is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. The rep will be counted when both of the athlete’s feet touch the ground on the other side of the box.
Double KB Fr Box Step-Overs
Each rep begins with both feet on the ground and the athlete in front of the box. With the kettlebells supported in the front rack position, (in front or on top of the shoulders), and using only the feet, the athlete will step up onto and over the box. Both feet must make contact with the box, however full extension at the top of the box is not required. All elements of front rack position must be maintained until the athlete reaches the other side of the box with both feet on the ground. If the front rack position is broken before the rep is credited, the athlete must reset to the originating side. The athlete may face forward or sideways during the step over, however must stay along the front to the box and may not approach step-overs from the corner. Athletes must lower the kettlebells below the hips before dropping.
Lay To Standing
Each rep begins with the athlete laying with their back on the ground, hands on the rope. Gripping the rope hand over hand, the athlete will pull themselves to a full standing position, hands making contact with the mark on the rope at the top, and the athlete’s knees and hips at full extension. Once the athlete reaches the standing position they will lower themselves, hand over hand, to the original starting position, where the rep is credited once they return to laying with their back on the ground. If an athlete releases both hands from the rope at any time, it will result in a no rep.
Rope Climb
Each rep begins with the athlete ascending the rope. The rep is credited once the athlete makes contact with the cross beam at the top. Athlete must touch the beam the rope is attached to, not the rope itself. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. The athlete must have a controlled descent.
Burpee Box Jump Over
Each rep begins with the athlete facing the box at the bottom position, the chest and thighs touching the ground. A step out or jump out and back from the bottom of the burpee IS allowed, however, the athlete’s body must stay in their lane, perpendicular to the box (legs extending outside the plane of the box is allowed). The athlete must come to his or her feet and jump over the box to the other side where the rep is credited and the athlete may start the next rep, again facing the box. The jump must be a two-footed jump. Only the athlete’s feet may touch the box. Landing on top of the box is allowed, but not required. The feet must go over the box not around it. Full extension at the top is not required. Lateral jumps are allowed. Each rep, including the final rep, is complete once the athlete has landed on the other side of the box from the last completed burpee.
KB Deadlift
Each rep begins with the kettlebells on the ground, outside the athlete’s feet. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Each rep is counted when the kettlebells are lifted off the ground, with the hips and knees reaching full extension, and the head and shoulders are in line with kettlebells. The arms must be straight throughout. Touch-and-go is permitted, however bouncing is not allowed.
Legless Rope Climb
Each rep begins with the athlete ascending the rope without the use of their legs. The rep is credited once the athlete makes contact with the cross beam at the top. Athlete must touch the beam the rope is attached to, not the rope itself. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. The athlete may only use their hands to climb the rope and must have a controlled descent.
D Ball Clean
Each rep begins with the D ball on the ground. The rep is credited once the D-Ball makes contact with the athlete’s shoulder without any outside assistance. The athlete must be fully standing with the item on the TOP of their shoulder, not in front, showing full extension at both the knees and hips before dropping the D Ball behind them or in front of them.
Double Kb Hang To Overhead
Each set begins with the athlete deadlifting the kettlebells to full hip and knee extension. From there, they may dip to the hang position, between or outside the legs, with arms fully extended. The athlete may use a clean and jerk or snatch to receive and finish with both kettlebells locked out overhead, where the rep is credited when the athlete’s arms, hips, and knees reach full extension. Each rep must then begin with the athlete’s arms extended in the hang. Dropping the kettlebells from overhead is not allowed.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)
Row, Swim, Run

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
2,500/2,000m Row
250m Swim
2,000m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
150m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
150m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
200m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
150m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
For Time
2,000m/1,500m Row
150m Swim
1600m Run
Time-Cap: 30 Minutes
Additional Information
This workout takes place across several independent fields of play, with the athlete originating on the Tina Hills Stage for their assigned Assault Row, running to the sidewalk on the south sidewalk adjacent to the water, entering and swimming around the assigned buoys, and climbing onto the water ramp installed in front of Bayside, onto an assigned Assault Runner for the prescribed distance, and then finishing across a chip-timing line.
This workout begins with all athletes strapped and seated into their Assault Rower, with hands off the handle. The rower will be pre-programmed to count down from the prescribed distance. At the start of the clock, the athlete will be permitted to grab the handle and begin the row. The athlete will row until the rower monitor reads that the prescribed meters are complete. The athlete may not remove their feet from the foot pegs until the required distance is complete.
Once finished, the athlete will unstrap, exit the rower, and run to the front edge of the Tina Hills stage. From there, they will follow the path, west, on foot, towards the water’s edge. It’s here, the athlete will enter the water either via the ladder or by jumping in. The athlete will then follow the assigned water path around the required buoy, to the water ramp in front of Bayside. The athlete may have no support from a lifeguard or other object to aid their flotation or swim.
Once the athlete arrives at the ramp, they will pull themselves out and walk up the ramp, where the athlete will be guided to their required Assault Runner. Keep in mind, the runners will be assigned in a way that the first athlete out of the water will get the best and closest positioned runner to the finish line, with the last receiving the furthest.
The athlete will then perform the full distance of the run. The athlete may not put their hands on the handrails except for at the start of the run, and upon completion, or they will be required to come to a complete stop and be forced to restart the run.
Once complete with the prescribed distance, the athlete will exit the runner from the rear, and run around their runner towards the front of the stage where their chip timing device will be read and the workout will be complete.
This workout has a 30-minute time-cap for completion. If an athlete gets time-capped at any point before the Assault run, the athlete will receive a DNF. If an athlete gets time-capped while on the Assault Runner, the athlete will receive credit for the exact number of meters they completed when their runner comes to a stop.
The athletes may not touch the monitor .Athletes must remain on the rower until the display reads the work required. The athlete may coast over the required work, but cannot make an attempt to get off the rower (e.g., unstrapping early or standing up) until they are past the required work. The athlete may adjust the damper setting and foot positions at any time during the row.
The athletes must swim their prescribed distance without any flotation assistance or gear to assist such as fins, paddles, snorkel gear, etc. Athletes are allowed to wear swim caps and swim goggles.
The athletes may not touch the monitor. The athlete may push off the front handrails for initial momentum only. Grabbing the handrails during the run for balance only is allowed. Athletes must remain on the runner until the display reads the work required. The athlete may coast over the required work, but cannot make an attempt to get off the runner until they are past the required work. Athletes must exit the rear of the runner once distance is complete.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)
Celebrate Ten

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (205, 125lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
5 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (115, 80lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (185, 125lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
5/4 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (105, 75lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (165, 115lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
3/2 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (95, 65lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Wall Climbs
5 Overhead Squats (135, 95lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
5 Burpee Ring Pull-ups
15 Overhead Squats (75, 55lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5/3 Wall Climbs
5 Front Squats (135, 95lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
10 Burpee Ring Touch
15 Front Squats (75, 55lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (135, 95lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
3/2 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (75, 55lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (165, 115lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
3/2 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (95, 65lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (185, 125lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
5/4 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (105, 75lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (165, 115lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
4/3 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (95, 65lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (165, 115lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
3/2 Ring Muscle Ups
15 Overhead Squats (95, 65lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (155, 105lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
3/2 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Overhead Squats (95, 65lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (135, 95lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
3/2 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Overhead Squats (75, 55lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (105, 75lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
2/1 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Overhead Squats (65, 45lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time
5 Rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (95, 55lb)
Right into,
5 Rounds of:
2/1 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Overhead Squats (45, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 12 Minutes
Additional Information
This workout is for time, with the athlete working through 5 rounds of the first segment of handstand push-ups and heavy overhead squats, before advancing to the next segment of ring muscle-ups and lighter overhead squats.
This event begins with the athlete on their start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will advance to the rig where they will complete their prescribed amount of handstand push-ups or wall climbs. Once the handstand push-ups / wall climbs are complete, the athlete will advance to the first barbell to complete 5 overhead squats (beginner division performs front squats). Once each round of this couplet is complete, the athlete will flip their round on the placard and repeat for 5 total rounds.
Once 5 rounds of the first segment are complete, the athlete will then begin work on the second couplet, performing their prescribed amount of movements on the rings, facing the start mat, along with their prescribed amount of overhead squats on the lighter barbell (beginner division performs front squats) for 5 total rounds, flipping their placard after every round.
Once 5 rounds are complete of the second segment, the athlete will sprint over their bar to the finish where time will be recorded.
Score is total time to complete the workout.
Each rep begins at the top of a handstand with the arms fully locked out, only the heels on the wall, and the hands placed clearly within the marked area. The entire palm and fingers must remain within the taped area. No part of the fingers may touch the tape. At the bottom of each rep, the head must touch the ground. The rep is counted when the arms return to a fully locked out position with only the heels on the wall. Kipping is allowed as long as the other requirements are met.
Wall Climb
Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with their chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground. At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must touch the first tape line (fingers touching is OK). Both feet must be touching the ground at the beginning and end of each rep. Both hands must remain on the tape until both feet are on the wall and no longer touching the ground. At the top of the movement, both hands must be touching the 10-inch tape mark before the athlete can descend. Any part of the hand may touch the tape line. On the descent, the feet must remain on the wall until both hands are touching the first line. The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the starting position, with both hands touching the first line and their chest, thighs, and feet touching the ground. Any part of the hand may make contact with the tape line. Both feet must be touching the ground before starting the next rep.
Overhead Squats
Each rep begins with the athlete standing tall with the barbell overhead in a fully locked out position. At the bottom, the hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knee. The rep is counted when the barbell returns to a fully locked out position overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body. Athletes may get the barbell overhead any way they choose. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if standard depth is achieved.
Front Squat
Each rep begins with the barbell racked on the front of the shoulders. At the top, the hips and knees must be fully extended. Any grip is permitted as long as the bar is in the front-rack position. At the bottom the hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knee. A full squat clean is permitted to start the movement if standard depth is achieved, but not required.The rep is credited when the athlete returns to full standing lockout after depth is achieved.
Ring Muscle Up
In the muscle-up, the athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a ‘false grip’) and the feet off the ground. The rep is credited at the top, the elbows fully locked out in support above the rings. Control must be shown at the top, pushing away from the rings in any direction before establishing lock out at the top will result in a no-rep. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required. If the heels rise above the bottom of the rings during the kip, it is a no rep. Rings will be set at a fixed height, athletes may not adjust the height of the rings.
Burpee Ring Pull-Up
Each rep begins with the athlete standing below the rings. The athlete may jump or step their feet back to perform the burpee, as long as the chest and thighs make full contact with the ground before standing. Once the burpee is completed, the athlete will jump to the rings, achieving a full hang with arms extended and feet off the ground prior to performing the pull-up portion of the movement. The rep is credited when the athlete’s chin breaks the lower plane of the rings. Dead hang or kipping techniques are allowed as long as all requirements are met.
Burpee Ring Touch
Each rep begins with the athlete standing below the rings. The athlete may jump or step their feet back to perform the burpee, as long as the chest and thighs make full contact with the ground before standing. Once the burpee is completed, the athlete will jump to the rings where both hands must make contact with at least one of the rings to receive credit for the rep.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)
Dale – An Elimination Sprint

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft HS Walk
200lb, 150lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 30ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft HS Walk
200lb, 150lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 30ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft HS Walk
150lb, 100lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 10ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
90ft Bear Crawl
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
90ft Bear Crawl
150lb, 100lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft Bear Crawl
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft Bear Crawl
100lb, 70lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
30ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
30ft HS Walk
100lb, 70lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 10ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft HS Walk
150lb, 100lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 10ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft HS Walk
200lb, 150lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 30ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft HS Walk
200lb, 150lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 10ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
30ft HS Walk
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
30ft HS Walk
150lb, 100lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
*HS Walk in 10ft UB Segments
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft Bear Crawl
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft Bear Crawl
100lb, 70lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Elimination Style, For Time
60ft Bear Crawl
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
300ft Shuttle Run
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
60ft Bear Crawl
100lb, 70lb
Round 1: All
Semi-Finals: Top 20
Finals: Top 10
Time-Cap: 3 Minutes
Additional Information
This elimination-style workout is for time, with the top finishing athletes advancing to a Semi-Final and Final round.
This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete is released to perform their prescribed distance of handstand walk or bear crawl, completing each section unbroken as described in the movement standard.
Once the handstand walk or bear crawl is complete, the athlete will pick up the sandbag and walk or run 90 ft (three 30 ft segments), with the sandbag in the bear hug position as described in the movement standard. Once the sandbag carry is complete, the athlete will drop the bag on the other side of the line of the last 30 ft section completed and begin the 300 ft shuttle run (ten 30 ft segments)
Once the shuttle run is complete, the athlete will then work their way back in the same manner with the 90 ft sandbag carry, followed by their prescribed distance of unbroken handstand walk or bear crawl. The athlete will then run to the finish and hit the button.
Score is total time for the athlete to complete the workout. Top finishing athletes will advance to repeat the workout for a Semi-Final round, with top athletes from the Semi-Final round advancing again to the Finals.
Handstand Walk
The athlete must start with toes behind the mark denoting the start of the segment being attempted. When kicking up, the hands may land on the other side of the line. Athletes must walk forward, backward or sideways HS walk is not permitted. If the athlete comes down at any time, the athlete must reset to the beginning of the failed segment. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must clearly pass the line marking the end of each section to earn credit for that distance. Athletes must stay within their lane as they travel forward.
Bear Crawl
The athlete must place both hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) on the ground behind the mark denoting the start of the section being attempted. Reaching across the line and placing hands into the section constitutes a no rep. During the bear crawl, the athlete must touch both palms to the floor and raise the hips above the height of the head so as to be supporting some body weight with the arms. If at any time the athlete stands up, drops to the floor or drops the hips below the height of the head, the athlete must restart from the last line crossed. Both hands and both feet must cross the line marking each section to earn credit for that distance.
Bear Hug Carry
The position of the sandbag MUST be carried as a ‘bear carry’ = torso holds only (between shoulders & hips). Propping on shoulders is not allowed. If the athlete loses control of the bag they may reset where they are. The distance is complete once both feet clearly cross the line for the current section with the bag in the bear carry position.
Shuttle Run
The athletes must complete ten 30 ft lengths of the stage to total 300 feet. When reaching each side, the athlete’s hand must make contact with the tape on the ground indicating the end of each section.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)
WZA OC Remix

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (50, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (50, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (40, 25lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 Hanging Toe Raises
55 Devil Press (35, 20lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 Butterfly Sit-ups
55 Devil Press (20, 15lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (35, 20lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (40, 25lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (50, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (50, 35lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (40, 25lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
55 T2B
55 Devil Press (35, 20lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
45 T2B
55 Devil Press (35, 20lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
35 T2B
55 Devil Press (35, 20lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
For Time
25/20 T2B
55 Devil Press (25, 15lb)
Time-Cap: 9 Minutes
Additional Information
Toes To Bar
Each rep begins in a full hang position, with the arms and hips fully extended at the bottom, the feet brought back behind the body before initiating the next rep. The rep is counted when the feet make contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. Any part of the shoe may touch the bar for the rep to count.
Hanging Toe Raise
Each rep begins with the athlete in a full hang. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body before initiating the next rep. The rep is credited when the toes are brought to or above the height of the hips in front of the body. Any grip is permitted.
Butterfly Sit Ups
Each rep of the sit up begins with the athlete’s back in contact with the floor, the knees splayed and the hands touching the floor above the head. The rep is credited once the athlete raises their torso until their hands make contact with the ground in front of their feet.
Devil Press
Each rep begins with the athlete reaching a push up position with the hands in the grip position on both dumbbells, the chest making full contact with the ground, between the dumbbells. The dumbbells must be raised to an overhead position in one movement. The rep is credited when the dumbbells are locked out overhead, with the hips, knees, and arms fully extended, both dumbbells directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body. Hands must remain in contact with the dumbbells throughout the entire movement, including the burpee. A clean & jerk or any pause resulting in the dumbbells making contact with the body is not allowed. Athletes must lower the dumbbells to waist level before dropping.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (no larger than 18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weights for the athlete’s division*
- Jumping rope
The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 34kg(75lb), 25kg (55lb), 20kg (45lb), 15kg (35lb)