2023-2024 TYR WZA Miami Indy Workouts
Released: December 12, 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Cleans
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(185, 125lb)
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Cleans
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(165, 115lb)
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(165, 115lb)
For Time
12-9-6 Parallel Bar Dips or 36-27-18 HR Push-ups
21-15-9 Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Burpee Pull Ups
(135, 95lb)
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Clean
15-12-9 Shoulder to Overhead
12-9-6 Bar Muscle Ups
(115, 85lb)
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(155, 105lb)
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(165, 115lb)
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(155, 105lb)
For Time
Parallel Bar Dips
Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(155, 105lb)
For Time
15-12-9 Parallel Bar Dips
21-15-9 Hang Power Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Bar Muscle Ups
(135, 95lb)
For Time
15-12-9 Parallel Bar Dips
21-15-9 Hang Power Clean
12-9-6 Shoulder to Overhead
9-6-3 Bar Muscle Ups
(115, 85lb)
For Time
15-12-9 Parallel Bar Dips
21-15-9 Hang Power Clean
12-9-6 Shoulder to Overhead
6-4-2 Bar Muscle Ups
(95, 65lb)
For Time: 12 min cap
- This workout begins with athletes on their start/finish mats. At the call of go, athletes will move to the parallel bars, and if their division calls for it, will perform a traverse before performing the assigned bar dips. Some divisions will be required to perform a traverse between each set of dips. Athletes will not be required to perform unbroken sets.
- After the bar dips, athletes will move to the barbell to perform hang power cleans.
- Upon their completion, athletes will move forward to touch the chess piece, which signals the start of the next round.
- After, athletes will head back to the parallel bars and perform their next sets of traverses and dips.
- They will then go back to the barbell to perform the next set of hang power cleans, and once again touch the chess piece.
- Finally, the athlete will complete the final round of traverses and dips, before going to the barbell for a final round of hang power cleans.
- At its completion, and after touching the chess piece, the next portion of this workout immediately begins.
- Athletes will move to the barbell to perform shoulder to overhead, then move to the rig to complete their bar muscle-ups or equivalent assigned gymnastics movement.
- Athletes will continue in this fashion for the next two rounds of shoulder-to-head and gymnastics movement, touching the chess piece in between.
- Upon completion of the final gymnastics rep, the workout is complete.
- The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete it.
- If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus 1 second per missed rep.
- TIEBREAK: Time after the set of 9 Hang Power Cleans
- False Start: 5-second addition to overall time
- Bar Traverse: Must begin again from the start of the traverse
- Bar Muscle Up: If no rep is for resting at the top, the rep will not count and must begin rep again from the ground
- All Other Movements: Rep will not count
El Circo
Released: Jan 6, 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs (1st rep seated)
18 Toes to Bar
90ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(53, 35lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs (1st rep seated)
15 Toes to Bar
60ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(53, 35lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge (1 arm OH, 1 arm FR)
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs (1st rep seated)
15 Toes to Bar
60ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(53, 35lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs (12ft)
9 Toes to Bar
30ft HS Walk or 90ft Bear Crawl
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(35, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs
12 Toes to Bar
60ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(35, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs
15 Toes to Bar
60ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(44, 26lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs (1st rep seated)
15 Toes to Bar
60ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(53, 35lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
2/1 Rope Climbs (1st rep seated)
15 Toes to Bar
60ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(44, 26lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs
15 Toes to Bar
60ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(44, 26lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs
12 Toes to Bar
30ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(35, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs (12ft)
12 Toes to Bar
30ft HS Walk or 90ft Bear Crawl
Buy-out: 90ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(35, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 60ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs (12ft)
12 Toes to Bar
30ft HS Walk or 90ft Bear Crawl
Buy-out: 60ft Mixed Grip KB Lunge
(35, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft SA Front Rack KB Lunge
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs
15 SA Hanging knee Raise
90ft Burpee Broad jump
Buy-out: 90ft SA Front Rack KB Lunge
(53, 35lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Double KB OH Carry
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs
15 Toes to Bar
90ft HS Walk
Buy-out: 90ft Double KB OH Carry
(44, 26lb)
Buy-in: 90ft Double KB OH Carry
Into, 3 Rounds of:
3/2 Rope Climbs
15 Kee Raises
90ft Bear Crawl
Buy-out: 90ft Double KB OH Carry
(minor 44, 26lb)
(moderate SA 44, 26)
(Major SA 35, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Wheelie (lengths un broken)
Into, 3 Rounds of:
2/1 Rope Climbs
10 kb OH sit ups
90 alternating plank sh. taps
Buy-out: Wheelie
(26, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft Backwards wheel
Into, 3 Rounds of:
6 rope pull ups
10 kb toes to overhead
30ft wheelie
Buy-out: 90ft Backwards Wheel
(26, 18lb)
For Time
Buy-in: 90ft SA KB OH Carry
Into, 3 Rounds of:
2 lay to stand rope climb
10 Knee raises
90ft bear crawl
Buy-out: 90ft SA KB OH Carry
(35, 18lb)
For Time: 12 min cap
- This workout begins with athletes on their start/finish mats.
- At the call of go, athletes will move to their kettlebells to perform a mixed grip lunge broken in 30ft sections. This is performed with one kettlebell in the front rack, and the other locked out overhead.
- After the lunges, athletes will move to the rig to perform rope climbs, followed by their toes to bar. Finally, they’ll move to perform handstand walks, broken into 30ft sections.
- During the handstand walk, athletes must stay within their lanes:
- 30ft minimum increments
- Each division will have its own minimum increments
- Athletes will then perform their second round of 3/2 rope climbs (1 seated rope climb, followed by 2/1 standard rope climbs), 18 toes to bar, and a 90 ft handstand walk broken up into three 30 ft sections.
- Lastly, athletes will perform their third round of 3/2 rope climbs (1 seated rope climb, followed by 2/1 standard rope climbs), 18 toes to bar, and a 90 ft handstand walk broken up into three 30 ft sections.
- After the last 90 ft handstand walk, athletes will move to their KBs to perform a final 90 ft mixed grip KB lunge broken up into three 30 ft sections. Time will stop upon the completion of the last lunge.
- The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout.
- If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus 1 second per missed rep.
- TIEBREAK: Time after the first set of mixed grip lunges
- False Start = 5-second addition to overall time
- Lunge = Must begin again from the previously completed 15 ft section
- Rope Climbs = Rep will not count and must begin again from the ground
- Toes to Bar = Rep will not count
- Handstand Walk = rep will not count and must begin again from the previously completed minimum work distance.
Deja Vu
Released: December 17, 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
25/20 Assault Cal Row
30 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
35 C2B Pull Ups
30 Box Jump Overs (30′, 24′)
25 DB Snatches (100, 70lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
25/20 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
30 C2B Pull Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (30′, 24′)
25 DB Snatches (70, 50lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
25/20 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
30 C2B Pull Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (30′, 24′)
25 DB Snatches (70, 50lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
20/15 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (14, 10lb)
20 Pull Ups or 10 Burpee Jumping Pull-ups
25 Box Jump or Step Overs (24′, 20′)
20 DB Snatches (50, 35lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
20/15 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (14, 10lb)
30 Pull Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (24′, 20′)
20 DB Snatches (50, 35lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
20/15 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
30 C2B Pull Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (30′, 24′)
15 DB Snatches (70, 50lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
25/20 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
30 C2B Pull Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (30′, 24′)
20 DB Snatches (70, 50lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
25/20 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
25 C2B Pull Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (30′, 24′)
20 DB Snatches (70, 50lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
20/15 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
25 C2B Pull Ups
25 Box Jump Overs (30′,24′)
15 DB Snatches (70, 50lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
20/15 Assault Cal Row
25 Wallballs (20, 14lb)
25 Pull-ups
25 Box Jump Overs (24′, 20′)
20 DB Snatches (50, 35lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
20/15 Assault Cal Row
20 Wallballs (14, 10lb)
20 Pull-ups
20 Box Jump Overs (24′, 20′)
15 DB Snatches (50, 35lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
3 min – 5 min – For Time (8min Cap)
1 min rest b/w each
20/15 Assault Cal Row
20 Wallballs (14, 10lb)
20/15 Pull-ups
20 Box Jump Overs (24′, 20′)
15 DB Snatches (50, 35lb)
2 Scores:
-Total Reps across all parts
-Time on part C
- This workout starts with the athlete on the rower. At the call of 3.2.1.GO, athletes will have 3 minutes to complete as many reps as possible of 25 calories on the rower (20 for female athletes), 30 wall balls, 35 C2B pull-ups, 30 box jump overs, and 25 DB snatches.
- At the end of the 3 minutes, athletes will have a 1-minute rest.
- After the 1 minute rest, the athlete will have a 5-minute window to start all over and complete as many reps as possible of 25 calories on the rower (20 for female athletes), 30 wall balls, 35 C2B pull-ups, 30 box jump overs, and 25 DB snatches.
- At the end of the 5 minutes athletes will have a 1-minute rest.
- Finally, after the 1-minute rest, the athlete will have an 8-minute window to start all over and complete the entire workout of 25 calories on the rower (20 for female athletes), 30 wall balls, 35 C2B pull-ups, 30 box jump overs, and 25 DB snatches for time.
- Time will stop after the 25 DB snatches. There will be no “sprint to the finish”
- During the snatches, athletes must face the finish mat. Athletes will complete 10, advance to complete another 10, and advance to complete 5. Athletes will need to reset the DB during the rest period.
- This is a two-score workout worth 50 points each
- Score 1: Total repetitions completed on the 3, 5, and 8-minute windows.
- Score 2: Total time to complete all repetitions on the 8-minute window.
- If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus 1 second per missed rep.
- Part 1 tiebreak is the score for part 2
- Part 2 tiebreak is the score for part 1
- False Start on Part 1: 5 rep deduction to the overall score
- False Start on Part 2: 5 second addition to overall time
- Assault Rower: If the athlete touches the monitor, the judge will reset the screen back to its original state
- All movements: Rep will not count
Double or Nothin'
Released: December 19, 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts of the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
:45 on | :45 off
*Tie-break: Max OH Squats
For Max Load
2 Attempts in :40 | 1:20 rest, the following complex:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean
*Tie-break: Max Front Squats
15% multiplier AE
For Max Load
2 Attempts in :40 | 1:20 rest, the following complex:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean
*Tie-break: Max Front Squats
15% multiplier AK
For Max Load
2 Attempts in :40 | 1:20 rest, the following complex:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean
*Tie-break: Max Front Squats
15% multiplier mod
25% multiplier Major
For Max Load
2 Attempts in :40 | 1:20 rest, the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
*Tie-break: Max Sh2OH
For Max Load
2 Attempts in :40 | 1:20 rest, the following complex:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
*Tie-break: Max Sh2OH
For Max Load
2 Attempts in :40 | 1:20 rest, the following complex:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean
*Tie-break: Max Front Squats
15% multiplier mod, AK, AE
25% multiplier Major
- Athletes will have 1 minute to preload their barbell. The workout starts with the athlete’s hands off the barbell
- At the call of 3,2,1, LIFT, platforms 1-3-5 will have their first window of 45 seconds to complete a complex of 1 snatch and 1 hang snatch
- At the call of 3,2,1, LIFT, platforms 2-4-6 will have their first window of 45 seconds to complete a complex of 1 snatch and 1 hang snatch
- At the call of 3,2,1, LIFT, platforms 1-3-5 will have their second and final window of 45 seconds to complete a complex of 1 snatch and 1 hang snatch
- At the call of 3,2,1, LIFT, platforms 2-4-6 will have their second and final window of 45 seconds to complete a complex of 1 snatch and 1 hang snatch
- After each complex, Athletes will have the option to perform an unbroken set of max overhead squats, within the remainder of the time, immediately following their hang snatch to receive a tie-break score
- The score for this workout is the weight (in lbs) of the athlete’s heaviest successful lift.
- TIEBREAK: Number of unbroken overhead squats within the 45-second lifting window immediately after the heaviest successful complex
- False Start = 5 lb subtraction from score.
- All movements = Rep will not count.
- If a no-rep is assessed during the hang snatch, athletes may continue attempting a hang snatch within the lifting window, just as long as the bar does not touch the ground or rests on the body
- If a no-rep is assessed during the overhead squats, athletes may continue attempting overhead squats within the lifting window, just as long as the bar does not touch the ground or rests on the body
Just Bead It
Released: December 31, 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
70 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
70 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
70 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(60, 40lb)
For Time
90 Beaded Single-unders or 30 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
90 Beaded Single-unders or 30 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
90 Beaded Single-unders or 30 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(40, 25lb)
For Time
50 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
50 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
50 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(40, 25lb)
For Time
60 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
60 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
60 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(50, 35lb)
For Time
60 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
60 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
60 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(50, 35lb)
For Time
60 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
60 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
60 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(50, 35lb)
For Time
60 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
60 Beaded Double-unders
15 DB Thrusters
60 Beaded Double-unders
9 DB Burpee Clusters
(50, 35lb)
For Time
50 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
50 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
50 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(40, 25lb)
For Time
40 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
40 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
40 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(35, 20lb)
For Time
30 Beaded Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
30 Beaded Double-unders
20 DB Thrusters
30 Beaded Double-unders
10 DB Burpee Clusters
(35, 20lb)
For Time
90 Double-unders
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
90 Double-unders
20 SA DB Hang Clusters
90 Double-unders
10 SA Devil Press
(50, 35lb)
For Time
90 Beaded Single-unders
30 Burpees
90 Beaded Single-unders
20 DB Hang power clean & jerk
90 Beaded Single-unders
10 SA Alt Devil Press
(Minor 70, 50lb)
(BK 50, 35lb.)
(AK 35, 20lb)
*AK no need to alt on Devil press*
For Time
90 Beaded Single-unders
30 Burpees
90 Beaded Single-unders
20 SA DB Hang power clean & jerk
90 Beaded Single-unders
10 SA Alt Devil Press
(Min 50, 35lb)
(Mod 35, 20lb)
(Maj 20,20)
*Mod & Major no need to alt on Devil press*
For Time
90 Backwards Multi Ropes
30 Dumbbell U-turns
90 Backwards Multi Ropes
20 DB Swing Clean & Press
90 Backwards Multi Ropes
10 Db Swing Clean & press
S2 (35, 20lb)
S1 (35, 20lb)
For Time
90 Multi Ropes
30 Dumbbell U-turns
90 Multi Ropes
10 DB Swing Clean & Press
90 Multi Ropes
5 Db Swing Clean & press
S2 (35, 20lb)
S1 (35, 20lb)
For Time
90 Beaded Single-unders
30 Burpees
90 Beaded Single-unders
20 SA DB Hang power clean & jerk
90 Beaded Single-unders
10 SA Alt Devil Press
*upper, AK Mod & Major no need to alt on Devil press*
For Time: 10 min cap
- This workout starts with the athletes on the start/finish mat. At the call of 3.2.1.GO, athletes will move to their rope to perform their prescribed number of beaded jump ropes.
- Athletes will then move to their dumbbells to perform 30 dumbbell-facing burpees and then advance the DBs forward to the designated area.
- After advancing their dumbbells, athletes will move back to their rope to perform another set of their prescribed number of beaded jump ropes
- Then move to their DBs to perform 20 DB thrusters and then advance the DBs forward.
- Athletes will move back to their rope to perform a final set of beaded jump ropes
- Finally, athletes will move to their DBs to perform 10 DB burpee clusters.
- Time will stop after the final rep of DB Burpee Clusters.
- The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout
- If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus 1 second per missed rep
- TIEBREAK: After the last set of jump ropes.
- False Start: 5-second addition to overall time
- Jump Rope: Rep will not count
- DB movements: rep will not count. If a no-rep is received for any reason, the entire rep must be repeated from the beginning
Wipe Out
Released: Jan 4, 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time: 20 min cap
- At the call of 3.2.1.GO, athletes will move to the Echo Bike and perform 50/40 calories where a tiebreak time will be recorded.
- Athletes will then follow a marked path to enter the water and swim the designated distance. When returning from the swim, athletes will return to their lane and jump rope to perform 150 beaded double-unders
- After the double-unders, athletes will again follow the path to enter the water and swim. When returning, athletes will move back to their lane and onto the Assault Runner to perform a final 500-meter run.
- Time will stop after the 500 meters.
- The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout.
- If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus 1 second per missed rep.
- TIEBREAK: Time after 50/40 calorie echo bike
- False Start: 5-second addition to overall time
- Echo Bike: If the athlete touches the monitor, the judge will reset the screen back to the original state
- Assault Run: If the athlete touches the monitor, the judge will reset the screen back to the original state
- Swim: If an athlete decides not to enter the water, deliberately touches or rests on any flotation device, or is brought back in via the swim rescue team, their workout is complete
- Jump Rope: Rep will not count
Rinse & Repeat
Released: Jan , 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(100, 70lb)
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(70, 50lb)
For Time
12 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
12 Sandbag Cleans
12 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
12 Sandbag Cleans
(70, 50lb)
For Time
12 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
12 Sandbag Cleans
12 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
12 Sandbag Cleans
(100, 70lb)
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(100, 70lb)
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(100, 70lb)
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(100, 70lb)
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
600m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(70, 50lb)
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(70, 50lb)
For Time
15 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
15 Sandbag Cleans
500m Assault Run
15 Sandbag Cleans
(60, 40lb)
For Time
15 D-Ball Squats
500m Assault Run
15 D-Ball Squats
~300m Swim
15 D-Ball Squats
500m Assault Run
15 D-Ball Squats
(70, 50lb)
For Time
10 D-Ball Squats
M 500m, BK 400m, AK 300m Assault Run
10 D-Ball Squats
~300m Swim
10 D-Ball Squats
M 500m, BK 400m, AK 300m Assault Run
10 D-Ball Squats
(Minor 100, 70lb)
(BK 70, 50lb)
(AK 60, 40lb)
For Time
10 D-Ball Squats
Min 400m, Mod 350m, Maj 250m Assault Run
10 D-Ball Squats
~30 burpees
10 D-Ball Squats
Min 400m, Mod 350m, Maj 250m Assault Run
10 D-Ball Squats
(Minor 70, 60lb)
(Mod 60, 50lb)
(Maj 50, 40lb)
For Time
10 DBall G2SH
16 Shuttle run (length tbd)
10 DBallG2SH
~ 60 monster ropes
10 DBall G2SH
16 Shuttle run (length tbd)
10 DBall G2SH
S2 (60, 50lb)
S1 (50, 40lb)
For Time
10 D-Ball G2Sh
300m Assault Run
10 D-Ball G2Sh
~20 Burpees
10 D-Ball G2Sh
300m Assault Run
10 D-Ball G2Sh
(60, 40lb)
For Time: 20 min cap
- This workout starts with the athlete’s hand on the chess piece. At the call of 3.2.1.GO, athletes will move to the sandbag and perform their prescribed number of sandbag cleans.
- Athletes will then move to the Assault Runner to perform their prescribed meters.
- After the run, athletes will advance the sandbag forward and complete another set of their prescribed number of sandbag cleans. A tiebreak time will be recorded after the second set of sandbag cleans.
- After the second set of sandbag cleans athletes will follow the marked path to enter the water and complete their prescribed swim around 2 designated buoys.
- After the swim, athletes will follow the path back to their lanes to their sandbags, where they perform their third set of the prescribed number of sandbag cleans.
- Then they will move to the runner to perform another set of their prescribed meters.
- Finally, after the run, athletes will advance the sandbag and complete a final set of their prescribed number of sandbag cleans. Time will stop after the final rep.
- The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout
- If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus 1 second per missed rep
- TIEBREAK: Time after the 2nd set of sandbag cleans
- MINIMUM WORK REQUIREMENT: Completion of 2nd set of sandbag cleans
- False Start = 5-second addition to overall time
- Assault Run = If an athlete touches the monitor, the judge will reset the screen back to the original state
- Swim = If an athlete decides not to enter the water, deliberately touches or rests on any flotation device, or is brought back in via the swim rescue team, their workout is complete
- Sandbag Cleans = rep will not count
Released: Jan , 2023

Winning Result
- Team Gowod: 10:51.87
- Team BPN: 11:13.88
For Time
50/40 Cal Echo Bike
5k Trail Run
For Time
40/30 Cal Echo Bike
5k Trail Run
- This workout starts with the athletes behind the start line and their bibs securely on their bodies.
- At the call of 3,2,1, GO, athletes will run through the start line and move to their designated echo bikes to perform 50/40 calories.
- Upon completion of their calories, athletes will follow the designated 5k trail run.
- athletes must stay on the designated course
- There will be markers and WZA personnel throughout the course
- Time will stop when the athlete crosses the finish line with their chip timer.
The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete it.
- False Start = 5-second addition to overall time.