3 Reasons to Participate in the TYR WZAOC

October 13, 2024

We’re gearing up for the party of the year, and it all starts with the TYR WZA Online Challenge & Qualifier (or OCQ)! If you’re still on the fence about participating, here are 3 reasons why joining in the celebration is worth it no matter your ultimate goal. 

Hold Yourself & your Team Accountable

Let’s say your goal is to run a marathon. Setting out to conquer a big accomplishment requires a plan. Signing up for the race serves as the finish line. 

The same is true with the TYR WZAOC. Whether your goal is competitive, skill-centric, or otherwise, giving yourself a tangible finish line empowers you to formulate a plan of attack. Having a platform for your progress can often be the separator. What better time or setting than the fitness party of the year?! 

Celebrate With Your Community

Nobody makes it to their final destination without the help of others along the way. The OCQ is a chance like no other to rally your community and lean into the process together. 

Coordinating workout times, helping count reps, and cheering for each other Miami style are just some of the ways our community shows up for each other during the OCQ. There are also countless celebrations for PRs, milestones, and tackling a mix of challenging workouts and tests—sharing the journey together is the defining spirit of the TYR WZA.

Small Victories = Big Wins

In the shuffle of life, it can be easy to lose sight of your “why”. But, having a specific goal to work towards is one great way to secure a small victory. Over time, these small victories lead to bigger wins. 

Whether you’re sights are set on Miami, or you’re looking for some big-time fitness and fun, showing up for yourself is a win on its own. Anything beyond is just extra confetti for the party, baby. There’s nothing minimal about setting your mind to something and showing up to crush it. 

To sign up for the biggest celebration of the year, visit our registration page. Already in for the party?! Share this blog with 3 friends to spread the good vibes and epic fun!


Individual Online Challenge & Qualifier

Week 1: Oct 17 – 21
Week 2: Oct 24 – 28

Teams of Three Online Challenge & Qualifier

Oct 31 – Nov 6

Tyr Wodapalooza

Jan 23-26, 2025